Delivery / assembly on your flat level pad incl
20 Yr Warr 12 Ga G90 Frame Available
14 Standard and 5 Premium Colors!
55 Pounds per Sq Ft Snow load &
115 MPH Wind Rated walls.
25% OFF all TOL buildings over $10K
Commercial included!
Lift Equipment supplied by Customer
Prices subject to Manager Confirmation
Index #
XOL PlatGar24x26X9
- Standard Colors: Hunter Green, Barn Red, Burgundy, Ocean, Ivory, Sandstone, White, Tan, Brown, P Gray, Q Gray, Black, Galvalume, Clay
- Premium Colors Upgrade: TOL Red, Colony, Gallery, Burnished Slate, Copper
- MATCHING COLOR SCREWS includd on enclosed buildings
- DELIVERY and INSTALLATION on your lflat level pad Included
- 12 Gauge Galvanized G90 Frame [14 Gauge Available]
- 29 Gauge Metal Roof [26 Gauge Available]
- Mobile Home Anchors On Gravel or Asphalt Pads
- Concrete Anchors On ConcretePads
- 55 PSF Roof / 115 MPH Load Rated Walls (12 Gauge)
- 40 Year Warranty Panels included on buildings over $10K
- 12 x 21 TO 24 x 36 Carports and Garages STANDARD
- 26 x 21 to 30 x 30 TRI carports and Garages
- 18 x 26 x 13+ EVEREST Carports and Garages
- 12 x 21 to 24 x 36 LEAN TO STRUCTURES!