Choose from over a hundred options for your security booth including: finished interiors, heating & air conditioning, flooring, electrical packages, and much more.

Our custom built booths are designed to provide a comfortable and functional working environment for your security staff.
Our security booths feature:
- desk area
- wall heater
- air conditioner
- electrical outlets
- panel box
- rubber roofing
- sliding windows
Security Booths like these have been used at a variety of industrial businesses including the Marcellus Shale Project in northern PA, NY, and OH.
Like our storage sheds, security booths are portable buildings constructed on 4×4 runners. This means that they can be carefully moved with a forklift as you need to relocate.
For more information on purchasing and/or leasing security booths,
call Candy at 570-726-7374 ext. 3.
or email

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